I know I was going to wait a few days after I found out to post, but I decided not to. So here is how hilarious my body is.
Yesterday I had decided to pick up a pregnancy test in the evening, figuring that that would probably set things in motion. I told The Boy that my body was screwing with me and I thought there was a chance that I might actually be pregnant. He was surprised, but didn't want to get his hopes up again, so I decided not to tell him I was going to take a pregnancy test in the morning. When I went to bed, still nothing. "Wow, wouldn't it be crazy if i was?" I thought.
I woke up around 3:30 in the morning needing to pee and wondering if it was too early to take a test. I figured I had waited this long and my bladder was a magically impressive organ, so I could wait a couple more hours and then I would take a test. As you may have guessed, the need was more urgent than two hours wait would allow for, so about 20 minutes later I got up. Literally, I am about to pee on a stick (which, I love, btw...highly recommended activity!) when I notice that something feels not quite right. Surprise surprise! I had just started my period. You know what body, slow 80's style applause for you. Very cleverly played.
Of course, when I went back to bed the horrible death pains were bad enough that it took me about half hour to muster up the strength to go downstairs and get some meds. I was awake until the alarm went off, but finally managed to get the pain under control by around 7:30 and get an hour of sleep.
So yup. Not so much pregnant, but at least I have my answer. I'm surprisingly ok with this. I knew it was a big possibility and was prepared for this eventuality. It sucks, of course, but I feel like I am going to be ok. I told The Boy this morning and he was a little upset that I didn't wake him up as soon as I knew. I figured he needed sleep and it wasn't going to change what had happened. In a way it was nice to have a couple hours to process it. It made it so that I could tell him I was ok and really mean it. Now I can also say the same here. I'll be fine. We're going to take some time to just be the two of us and we can re-evaluate our options after that. Thanks for all the support. I'll continue to post hilarious stories for everyone's enjoyment, so don't fret about that. I even have a funny picture for you!
ETA: Today has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least, but it's almost over, so I have that going for me. Just thought I would post something that made me smile a bit. This is from a german site that has english synonyms on it:
Bedeutung: desolate | Art: Adjektiv
comfortless, dreary, dry, helpless, forsaken, waste, cold, drear, lean, gaunt, barren, dismal, grim, poor, miserable, lone, infertile, stark, desert, tragic, alone, sterile, drab, harsh, destitute, deserted, lonely, arid
All I did was add the bold, the order has not been changed. Here's to tomorrow feeling less desolate.
Repeat: A Place Where Everybody Knows Your Name
15 hours ago
I'm not going to pretend that I understand what you are going through right now because I don't. I do feel your pain though...I know how much I want a baby myself. I am glad you are doing ok and I look forward to your hilarious stories:)